Big Cats of India

India and its diverse wildlife attracts to many of us because three big cats roam here freely into the reserve areas of the national parks . Tigers , Leopards and Asiatic Lions are the only big cats found in India as cheetahs are now extinct due to massive hunting . Tigers and Leopards found all over India but the Lions are confined to the Gir National Park in the Gujarat state . Their attacks on humans are very low almost rare but on the other side Tigers get the second position on human attacks and the Leopards achieved first stage on human attacks . Leopards have an excellent skill to climb on trees and as the prey comes to nearby him they jump on it to kill . Tiger first seeks place to hide before ready for the charge on its prey . Lions encircles to its prey and attacked on it . All have different strategies but they have one advantage which is the same and that is their capability to kill prey in the darkness of night . Because of their perfect eye vision they are able to hunt at night when we humans need light to view anything . Tiger and Leopards hunt solitary with lot of patience and Lions hunt in groups . Tiger conceal himself and due to noise less footpads it reaches closely to its prey before get charge on it . And Leopard by patience wait of its prey on the tree branch but as it gets confident they attacks on prey and after little chase the reward achieve . Lions also hide themselves and accurately charge on its prey from the different directions . 
Question is that how humans become the victims of these big cats . These big cats are also carnivorous like other cats and they are perfectly designed by nature to balance the population of herbivorous animals in the wild , not the omnivorous humans . But all over world the humans accidentally become a meal of the big cats . 
In India as we scan we found that humans encroachment near the Tiger reserves is increased despite of so many strict laws and restrictions . The vast farmlands transformed from the forest land has now become a very big trouble not only for local villagers but also the forest officials . And in the Uttar Pradesh terai belt during winter season when sugarcane crop has ready to cut down at that time Tiger or Tigress attacks on local villagers much than other seasons . Recently in the Lakhimpur Kheri district of Uttar Pradesh Tigress with two cubs saw by the local peoples just five kilometers away from the city . And Leopards attacks on humans is very general in this area where dudhwa Tiger reserves along with kishanpur sanctuary and also adjoining district's katherniaghat sanctuary of Behraich and Philibhit tiger reserve of Philibhit supports good population of these two species of big cats . These cats have a territory which they self confined by its urine spray and nailed scratch marks  on the  barks of trees near the edge of the ruled area . And into this area one dominant male rules and where their female rear the cubs until they gets self confident to hunt . But sometimes other intruder male tried to occupied the territory and killed the cubs . In this process many times female gets aggressive on that male or moved from  the area to escape cub's life . Unfortunately she entered into the sugarcane fields bordered the national park and as hunger increased naturally the attacks on to the cattle as well humans happened . The conflict between animals and humans now have no chance to solve because our greedy desire never ends to cut off the forest trees and shrink the forest areas of these wild cats . But Remember if we agree to save the Tiger then our Forest also gets secure in spite of these incidents . If we conserve the forest then we assure our survival on the only living planet known as the Earth .🐾 🐆 ( Uruj Shahid )


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