Confession at the courtroom 🔪 by Uruj Shahid

It was a cold winter night in January 1969 and there was a thick fog all around and nothing else was visible, then I heard a sound which was a loud horn of the car and it was right in front of me. At first I was scared, but when I looked closer, there was an old man sitting in that car, who came out of the car and started saying what are you doing here in such a cold nigh and I said sir, let me go some distance from here, where my uncle lives and who has any belongings for me which my mother sent me before I died . 
So uncle said come sit in the car I will drop you as far as you want to go and then both of us went towards our destination that night but uncle said that the car has to be driven very carefully in the hilly roads or else we can fall into deep gorges. 
Then Uncle put the brakes on the car and started saying that you wait here, I come through the cemetery just in front of you, where is the grave of your aunt and uncle got out of the car and went to that Christian cemetery and I was sitting in the car where the fog was increasing outside so now nothing was visible, then a girl came near the car and said, get out quickly, that uncle is cheating with you and he is being taken  to you his home located in a deserted area to torture you . 
But I said you are lying, they are going to drop me in the car at my uncle's house and why should I believe you? , then uncle came and started saying let's go now and that girl immediately hid behind a tree but I didn't tell anything about her to uncle  . 
But after reaching some distance, uncle turned the car towards the other way, then I asked him where are you taking me and he said sit quietly boy or else I will kill you . 
I was very scared and calmed down but even in this cold my forehead was sweating and after reaching some distance, Uncle said now get out of the car and keep walking with me. 
But I was thinking of running away in panic, then Uncle told me, do not even think of doing whatever you are thinking and he pointed a pistol at my back but before  uncle shot me , I told him I will go with you .
Then he started saying that I am your mother's uncle whom you have come to meet Peterson and now don't asked this, how have I come to know your name , then my foot slipped and I groaned in pain and said if you want to kill me then this is the right opportunity . But uncle said shut up boy, I am not going to kill you, just get up immediately and go to the house where your mother killed my son ,your son was killed by my mother is it true or that you are seducing me . Then both of us entered a room and there my mother's name was written on the wall everywhere then Uncle said that these names were written by his son who loved your mother very much and that girl means your mother gave him  Cheated , and whatever you have come to collect, your mother sent me because you are my son's son and I am your grandfather . 
Then I felt that now Uncle will not kill me, then he gave me some walnuts to eat and say, lie down on the bed quietly and sleep but then I heard something screaming there but I lay quietly so that my grandfather would not get angry. I slept , don't know when but then when I got up in the morning, grandfather was not there , on the table there was a letter which my mother had written to my grandfather and I took it in my hands to read that letter and started reading . 
It was written in that letter that I will not survive now so I am sending your grandson to you so that I can atone for my sin, which I had done with your son , that's when I felt as if my grandfather had come, but due to the strong winds, the windows near me were opening and closing again and again.
As I proceeded to close those windows, I looked outside. My grandfather was digging a pit that looked like a grave but why was he doing this when he now knew that I was his own grandson?, then I thought of running through the back door and only then I saw my grandfather walking towards me covered in mud . Now I got more scared then my grandfather took a knife in his hand and he was walking towards me but before he could do anything, I started running away from there . But as I was running I fell into the pit which my grandfather had dug and then my grandfather came near that pit and started filling it with soil .But when I was pleading for rescue and my grandfather was filling the pit with mud that looked like a grave and nd all of a sudden my grandfather rolled over to the other side of the pit and the same girl I met outside the cemetery started helping me to get me out of the pit . As I came out of that pit, I saw that my grandfather was stabbed with a knife on his back and he was dead and he was murdered by the girl who was saving my life but because of this she had become a murderer . Then I said to the girl, don't panic, together we both bury the grandfather in the pit which was probably carved for him and it was evening, then both of us buried the grandfather there with great difficulty . After a while, it was night in that deserted place and no one used to come there, so we were absolutely not afraid that the secret would never open . While we had entered the house inside, I asked my helpful girl who are you ? and why are trying to save me and she replied that she is the daughter of his grandfather's housekeeper and his mother has worked in this house for years but now she not works here because she is old and weaker.Then she said that she will introduce me to her mother and she will tell the whole story of this house and his grandfather. 
Then as soon as she started going to her house I told her to change her clothes because there is a lot of blood in them which can become a new problem and she got ready after hearing this and I told her to take a bath in the bathroom. I bring some clothes for you by taking them out of grandfather's wardrobe . I then gave her grandfather's night wear clothes and said come out wearing it but she came out there wrapped in a towel and stood in front of me and I was really shocked to see this sight . 
Seeing her young body, I kept staring and her beautiful body made me uncontrollable but I do not know how I restrained myself before taking the wrong step and she took off the towel very shamelessly and threw it in front of me and put on that clothes and smiled and said that be patient . After this she went to her house and the picture of her naked body kept coming in my mind all night . I did not know what was happening to me, then it started raining heavily with strong winds and I started looking for something to eat by lighting a lamp, but then the sound of a cat scared me . And then my eyes fell on a safe kept there, then I opened it curiously and saw that lakhs of rupees and gold ornaments were kept in it, I got strange satisfaction that now there will be no need to earn anything because now I am a millionaire and I took that safe out of there and put it in the cellar and locked the door and I went to sleep . Waking up in the morning, I planted saplings on my grandfather's grave so that after some time big trees would grow on it and no one could know anything about grandfather's death . 
In the afternoon the girl came again and said that I should go to her house and meet her mother and I said wait I come now and I went inside and brought some money from there and said now let's go to your house .
When I asked that girl her name, she said that my name is Rose and I am only for you, so I was shocked to hear this and said what you are saying, then she immediately said that she has started loving me and I was happy to hear this but did not express it and I said now you keep walking quietly but in my mind, his youthful body had come in front of me and there was some trepidation from inside as if I wanted something  and i can't take . Only then I reached her house and came inside the house with him where his mother told me son come sit and today I am going to tell you all that why your grandfather and mother could not be reconciled and your father lost his life . 
Her mother said that fifty years ago from today your grandfather Uncle Jack and his son Tom lived in a house built near the city, some distance from here and your grandfather was from a very rich family and he got the money earned by your great grandfather . And your grandfather had been working as a station master at the railway station for many years, and your grandmother was also very educated, who was as capable as your grandfather, and their only son Tom studied in a missionary school . As soon as Sunday came, all three got ready and went to pray in the church and only then one day your mother's eyes fell on Tom, due to which some attraction had arisen between the two, which did not take much time to turn into love and then both of them started meeting in secretly and your grandfather and grandmother did not even know . But one day someone told your grandmother and grandfather about the love of your parents that both meet secretly but when it is known that the girl his son is in love with is a poor girl and she lives alone.
But your grandparents did not know that their son had made physical relation with that girl many times and that girl had become pregnant . On the other hand, Tom was told by his parents to stay away from that girl, but on the other hand, your mother was pressurizing to marry your father.
But your grandparents were not ready for the marriage of both of them, but when they were ready after much insistence of Tom, that girl did not know where she went and did not come back . The shock of which made Tom mad and one day he committed suicide and your grandmother also died of shock a few days later, so that your grandfather started burning in the spirit of revenge. About ten years ago, your mother's letter came to your grandfather that she is very sick and she is sending his grandson to him because your mother had come to know about your father's death. Hearing all this, Peterson got emotional and started crying, then Rose's mother gestured to her daughter and said, "Go, leave him at his house and stay there for the night." Then they both came home and Rose hugged Peterson and explained now don't worry what had to happen is already done, But in the meantime, both of them started having a physical relationship due to which Peterson experienced a different kind of pleasure. 
When both the bodies met for the first time, then it was repeated many times for many days and one day the girl became pregnant, due to which both had to get married in the church. 
Peterson did not know that Rose's mother was physically abused by his grandfather, so that she got her daughter married to Peterson in revenge. Then one day the police came to Peterson's house in search of his grandfather because his friends had not seen their grandfather for a long time . Then his wife Rose told everything to the police that her husband Peterson had killed his grandfather and buried him in the garden and Peterson was surprised to see why Rose had done this. Only then a voice came, everyone calm down, the judge said . Peterson had confessed his crime at the courtroom . 
Now the judge said that you have killed your grandfather in your self-defense, so this court acquits you, but not your wife who cheated you and tried to mislead the court, because of which your pregnant wife is sentenced to five years . Meanwhile, Peterson tells his wife that he has forgiven her and will wait for her and their unborn child. ✍️ © Uruj Shahid 


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