Spring Loves Autumn πŸŒΊπŸ‚

Long time ago, there was the wonder land of fairies where every things had the sparkling and shining like twinkling stars in the sky at night. The beauty of that place was amazing and stunning . And in this eden of garden there was so many good things that bad things never visible to anyone.

There was the extremely beautiful fairy in a superb costumes that many others envy of her and she never understand why they do so. Her name was spring and she had nicely decorated feathers to fly anywhere she wants. One day she fell in love of an angel named autumn at the first sight. And she wanted to met him each time but she couldn’t understood why she didn’t found him when she wills.

To solve this mystery she went to the old tree of banyan and there she asked him, why autumn not met me as I am the gorgeous spring? .

Then old tree laughed and said that fool fairy you never catch him in your entire life. To know the correct reason of it please visit to garden of sorrow and they replied you better.

Without delayed she went to the journey of the garden of Sorrow . As spring reached there she started shivered with cold and get scared with haunted noises. Suddenly there one owl appeared and asked her tell him her problem, he would certainly helped her. She told her purpose to visit here and owl replied Okay , you have to stayed here for somedays to met your angel.

After seven nights there was the change in that place and wind began flowed and all the dead dry leaves scattered everywhere. Trees now barren themselves. All these activities happened when suddenly she encountered an angel autumn . She asked him why I can’t met you anytime in a year .

He said politely my dear spring fairy I am the reason of sorrow and you are the symbol of happiness and joy for every life . Perhaps, that is why I came before you here and when I arrived everyone waits for you not me and this is truth . And as you reached ,all forget me without know that I renew their life with new clothes and helped them to overcome from grief and put them forward to welcomes you spring with full confidence and to enjoy every moment of life. I love you fairy spring because you’re the hope for life .

Autumn angel suddenly disappeared and spring season arrived with rejoicing nature, everything is busy to joy life because harder days gone and believe that it never come back again, but truth is that autumn angel will always come to meet her spring fairy as it is love forever!

© Uruj Shahid


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