
Showing posts from February, 2020

Down memory lane🎫

When my city was a small town the prosperity of natural environment was quite good than today.  Today in the wave of development we are loosing the tranquility and greenery of our city because in the last two decades our city lost the badge of a small town.  Now we can see the hustle bustle of people and listen the noise of vehicles echo around us.  In the early 80s and 90s my Lakhimpur city was quite simple in lifestyle and having well greenery.  In those day besides rickshaws the horse cart was very popular traveling medium to travel from one place to another place but as the time changed these traveling medium also vanished from the scene.  It was the time when we traveled through the steam engines loco meter gauge trains which took whole day to reached the destination and perhaps that was why we had carried the launch boxes to ate in a middle of our journey.  This seems to be very nostalgic today but in the past days it was reality and sometimes it also makes us very emotional beca

Politically correction πŸ’­

What is politics and how it effects us because our opinion doesn't matter as a public when politicians sit inside the parliament then they decide on behalf of us without asking of us .  But the question is actually here the quality of our leader depends on us when we select him and vote for him , at that time if our selection of politician is quite good then our opinions reach inside the parliament . Politicians during the election time delivers very gentle behavior in front of us and also listen our troubles too but after the process of election reach to its end the change in attitude of politicians clearly visible and it remains till next election date declared .  As a voter in a democratic country our discussion and decision on the political parties and politician is very important but if we behave like a monk who have a blind faith what his preacher teach him then our future will surely goes to rubbish .  Proposal and propaganda are the two weapons which works indeed by the sid

Spring Loves Autumn πŸŒΊπŸ‚

Long time ago, there was the wonder land of fairies where every things had the sparkling and shining like twinkling stars in the sky at night. The beauty of that place was amazing and stunning . And in this eden of garden there was so many good things that bad things never visible to anyone. There was the extremely beautiful fairy in a superb costumes that many others envy of her and she never understand why they do so. Her name was spring and she had nicely decorated feathers to fly anywhere she wants. One day she fell in love of an angel named autumn at the first sight. And she wanted to met him each time but she couldn’t understood why she didn’t found him when she wills. To solve this mystery she went to the old tree of banyan and there she asked him, why autumn not met me as I am the gorgeous spring? . Then old tree laughed and said that fool fairy you never catch him in your entire life. To know the correct reason of it please visit to garden of sorrow and they replied you better

The Bird of Courage 🐦

There was a bird in a forest, who lived his life with joy and happiness. All his neighbors were also be happy to join his company due to kind nature of him. One day that little bird decided to established his family. For this he decides to make nest before search for his mate. Without delay he started to constructed the nest on a tree who had many branches. With the dawn he resumed his nest making and as sun sets he go to perched to roost. One night when he was dreaming about his nest and making family , at that time suddenly he shivered with a horrible voice of thunder light which fell on the branch where his nest was placed. At dawn he saw that his nest was fully destroyed and the branch also fell down on which his nest was placed. It was very painful for him but he decided to reconstructed his nest on another branch of the same tree. But time was against him, next day the another thunder lighting destroyed his nest and supported branch. And daily he reconstructed his nest on the bra

The tree and old man 🌳

When an old man walked ahead he saw a tree which had no fruits on it while the spring season reached to its end .  He was very saddened to view this but don't knew that why the tree had no fruit this year . Then he desided to did some discussion on it with a gardner of the area where he was lived . When old man went to the house of gardner he was shocked to saw that same species of tree here was full of fruit . He ran back to his tree and started crying with tears in his eyes then he suddenly heard some strange voice coming out from the tree . Tree told to old man why this year fruits had not been grow on it because last year when you had plucked the fruits from my branch you destroyed the nest of a little bird and the hive of bees . You don't care at all in this process of plucking the fruit that you had destroyed someone's home who made with lot of efforts . Now due to God's anger this year there was no fruit bring out on me , tree sadly told . Old man went to the chu

The Silent Queen πŸ‘Έ

Story of a queen or king is now the outdated subject on which no one wants to write on it .  But in my story there is a queen and a king which don't know it was written when their era was completely over . Long time ago there was a beautiful queen and she loved a king who also loved her very much .  But she had never told the king about her felling for him and the same situation was on the king side too . Both were shy in nature and sometimes their eyes and expression unfolded the page of their love but they never had got a chance to express themselves . One day when the queen was relaxing at the garden of her palace then suddenly she saw king's horse  and she immediately had started to ran to view a glimpse of the king . She ran so fast that she fell down in the mud and her clothes were get dirty .  But on that time the king suddenly came in front of her and get started to saw her so much lustfully that the queen felt ashamed . Before the queen went away from him he grabbed he